Reflex’English Level 3 s’adresse aux apprenants ayant validé les compétences de Reflex’English Level 2. Il est également recommandé pour ceux qui souhaitent réviser ou consolider les connaissances abordées en niveau B2. Reflex’English Level 3 permet d’atteindre le niveau B2/C1 du CECRL, il est composé de 24 leçons d’apprentissage et de 6 leçons de test, avec de nombreuses animations de situations, de grammaire et de vocabulaire. Parmi les objectifs de ce niveau : Comprendre le contenu essentiel de sujets concrets ou abstraits dans un texte complexe, y compris une discussion technique dans sa spécialité - Communiquer avec spontanéité et aisance avec un locuteur natif - S'exprimer de façon claire et détaillée sur une grande gamme de sujets, émettre un avis sur un sujet d'actualité et exposer les avantages et les inconvénients de différentes possibilités.



*(Financée par l’état jusqu’à 100%)

  • Certification incluse

  • Formation à distance

  • Commencez selon la date de votre choix

  • Délai d’accès : Immédiat

  • Accès web & mobile

les Prérequis

  • Reseau internet : 5G, 4G, WIFI, Ethernet


Le programme de la formation

Lesson 01 – Chatting with people living in France: Janice

  • Asking for permission
  • Polite requests
  • The past tenses
  • Since, for, ago
  • Types of conditionals
  • Mixed conditionals
  • Review of pre-intermediate Level
  • Chatting with Janice
  • Northern Irish food
  • About Northern Ireland
  • Northern Ireland in the
  • 20th century in short

Lesson 02 – Chatting with people living in France: Greg

  • Present simple
  • Simple past and past continuous
  • Describing a sequence of events
  • I, me, myself
  • Adjectives followed by prepositions
  • Adjectives ending in -ed and -ing
  • Too and enough
  • Question tags
  • Review of preintermediate Level
  • Chatting with Greg
  • Weather and climate
  • The climate in the USA
  • English as a global language

Lesson 03 – Chatting with people living in France: Mark

  • Adverbs: manner, place, time, frequency
  • Verbs followed by prepositions
  • Prefixes and suffixes
  • Present continuous
  • Verbs of preference followed by verbs + -ing or to + infinitive
  • Present perfect simple
  • Present perfect continuous
  • Review of pre-intermediate Level
  • Chatting with Mark
  • British cuisine

Lesson 04 – Whatever you say!

  • Ever and compounds
  • Emphasizing interrogative pronouns
  • Imperatives and negative imperatives
  • Verbs followed by gerunds or infinitives
  • Review of preintermediate Level
  • Illegal behaviour
  • About punctuality
  • Uncontrolled movements

Lesson 05 – Test Lessons 1 to 4

  • Review and Test of Lessons 1 to 4

Lesson 06 – Writing a letter of complaint

  • Passive forms
  • « Used to » or « did not use to »
  • Tense review
  • Complaining about a damaged product
  • How to write an effective letter of complaint
  • Useful sentences and vocabulary in complaints
  • Phrases with “up to”
  • Around “to pick up”

Lesson 07 – Receiving a letter of complaint

  • Either, or, neither, nor, not either
  • Around “so far”
  • Contractions
  • Imperatives with question tags
  • To remember vs. to remind
  • Still, already, yet, etc.
  • Tense review
  • Letter of complaint
  • Around “disappointment”
  • Around “to get”
  • Talking about responsibility
  • Around “bills”
  • From maker to user

Lesson 08 – Pronunciation: stress and linking

  • Stress
  • Word stress: one-syllable words
  • Word stress: two-syllable adjectives, nouns and verbs
  • Word stress: three-syllable words and over
  • Word stress: use of prefixes and suffixes
  • Linking
  • Linking words
  • Variability of English pronunciation

Lesson 09 – Tongue twisters: around phonetics and pronunciation

  • The 20 vowel sounds and 24 consonant sounds
  • Pronouncing the “th” letter group
  • Pronouncing the short and long “i” sounds
  • Pronouncing the “s”, “ch”, “tch”, “je”, “dje” sounds
  • Pronouncing the letter R or not
  • Pronouncing the letters W, V and F
  • Pronouncing the « ough » and « augh » letter groups
  • Tongue twisters

Lesson 10 – Test Lessons 6 to 9

  • Review and Test of Lessons 6 to 9

Lesson 11 – Travelling through a phonetic labyrinth

  • Travelling through a phonetic labyrinth
  • Literacy devices, figures of speech
  • Travel: at the airport
  • Around poems and poetry

Lesson 12 – Let’s speak fast! – Part 1

  • Connected speech in English
  • Stress placement in a sentence
  • Changes in pronunciation: contractions, elisions, assimilations,
  • coalescences

Lesson 13 – Let’s speak fast! – Part 2

  • Connected speech in English
  • Changes in pronunciation: weak forms, linking

Lesson 14 – Let’s speak fast! – Part 3

  • Fast speech
  • Around “over”
  • Pronunciation of -ed endings
  • Around “word”
  • Around “yard”

Lesson 15 – Test Lessons 11 to 14

  • Review and Test of Lessons 11 to 14

Lesson 16 – Home conversation

  • Filler words
  • Must or have to: to express obligation
  • Sense verbs
  • Sense verbs: active or state verbs?
  • Double comparative in idioms
  • Phrasal verbs: to put
  • Phrasal verbs: to get
  • Ellipses
  • Situational ellipses
  • Textual ellipses
  • Ellipses and substitutions
  • Home conversation

Lesson 17 – Christmas Pudding – a British tradition

  • Some phrasal verbs: to cut, to stand, to turn
  • Imperatives: DOs and DON’Ts
  • Christmas Pudding
  • Weight measures
  • Weights in cooking
  • Liquid measures (volume)
  • Liquid measures in cooking
  • Measuring objects
  • Dried grapes
  • Cooking verbs

Lesson 18 – I’ll be at the beach hut

  • Adjectives ending in -ed and -ing
  • Sense verbs
  • Structures followed by to-infinitives, bare infinitives and -ing forms
  • The present continuous infinitive, the perfect infinitive, the perfect continuous infinitive
  • Choosing the correct relative pronoun
  • Who or whom with prepositions?
  • Some phrasal verbs: to keep, to go
  • Talking about the future
  • Passive forms
  • Holidays in Israel
  • Travelling
  • Alone, by myself, on my own
  • Around “to lie”
  • Weather conditions: useful adjectives
  • To have + adjective + time

Lesson 19 – Seeing is believing

  • “Used to” to express a past habit
  • “Would” to express the past
  • Defining relative clauses
  • Non-defining relative clauses
  • Must have + past participle
  • Still and anymore
  • Ever
  • Beliefs
  • Famous make-believe characters
  • Some noises humans make
  • Around “to believe”, “to happen”, “to swear”
  • Around “mill”
  • Beliefs and superstitions in Scotland

Lesson 20 – Test Lessons 16 to 19

  • Review and Test of Lessons 14 to 19

Lesson 21 – On the roads of the United Kingdom

  • Asking for and giving directions: useful sentences
  • The imperative to give directions
  • Driving in the UK
  • Around cars: glossary
  • Driving glossary
  • Phrases related to driving and manoeuvres
  • Pedestrian crossings in the UK
  • Asking for and giving directions
  • Some road signs in the UK

Lesson 22 – The driving test

  • Here, there, over here, over there
  • One, ones
  • Phrasal verb “to run”
  • To get in or to get on a vehicle
  • Will for immediate intention
  • Closed questions, short answers
  • Some verbs with “over”
  • Phrasal verbs with “away”
  • Emphatic imperative
  • Taking the driving test in the UK
  • Road lane markings in the UK
  • Useful vocabulary: on the roads
  • Around “sight”
  • Around “speed”

Lesson 23 – The pub – a British way of life

  • Passive structures
  • Advanced passive structures with reporting verbs
  • Advanced passive structures with modals
  • Advanced passive structures with verbs followed by infinitives or
  • gerunds
  • Conditional conjunctions
  • The pub: a British way of life
  • Pub culture
  • Drinks in a pub
  • Pub opening hours
  • Entertainment in a pub

Lesson 24 – Talking about the environment

  • Gradable and non-gradable adjectives
  • Adverbs of degree
  • Adverbs of degree and adjectives
  • Adverbs of degree and adjectives: collocations
  • The environment: sources of energy
  • The environment: useful verbs
  • The environment: useful vocabulary
  • Environmental issues: lessening our carbon footprint

Lesson 25 – Test Lessons 21 to 24

  • Review and Test of Lessons 21 to 24

Lesson 26 – Talking to Rachel

  • Question tags
  • Present perfect tense
  • Present perfect continuous tense
  • Still, anymore and no longer
  • “Do” as an auxiliary in affirmative sentences
  • Phrasal verbs with “up”
  • Matching adverbs and pronouns
  • Compass points
  • Around “odd”
  • Marketing and advertising: useful vocabulary
  • Around “joy”
  • Astronomy and the solar system: useful vocabulary

Lesson 27 – Talking to Rebecca

  • Used to
  • Causative structures
  • The past perfect simple
  • The past perfect continuous
  • Phrasal verbs with “back”
  • A bit of geography: England
  • Accents in England
  • Instruments and musicians
  • Types of music
  • Working hours and shifts

Lesson 28 – Talking to Scott

  • Separable or inseparable phrasal verbs
  • General knowledge: Scotland
  • Geography of Scotland
  • Symbols, traditions and famous Scots
  • Important dates in the history of Scotland
  • The Scottish economy
  • 10 fun facts about Scotland

Lesson 29 – Talking to Wynne

  • Phrasal verbs with « up »
  • Phrasal verbs with « stand » and « run »
  • Formal subjunctive
  • General knowledge: Wales
  • Geography of Wales
  • Symbols and traditions in Wales
  • Famous Welsh people
  • Bad friends
  • Around « chip »
  • The history of Wales
  • The Welsh economy
  • Rugby
  • 10 fun facts about Wales

Lesson 30 – Test Lessons 26 to 29

  • Review and Test of Lessons 26 to 29